Equipment Trailer Service and Repair Checklist for Summer

Trailer Service and RepairPerhaps you just bought a new equipment trailer and you're looking forward to getting on the road during the summer season with your new model — or maybe you're noticing some odd noises, worn tires, or cracked spots in the vehicle you've had for a few years. Summer is the ideal time to address many trailer maintenance issues regardless of whether you're experiencing problems or not. Learn more about summer trailer service and repair and decide which maintenance jobs to book now.

Why Summer Is a Great Trailer Maintenance Season

Summer is a season of extremes: Days can be blisteringly hot while nights are often much cooler. This added pressure of changing temperatures means that your trailer's parts are expanding and contracting. You may also have to deal with rain that can cause water damage and direct sunshine that can heat your unit to a dangerous temperature.It's a good idea to perform maintenance and any necessary repairs before summer starts, but scheduling these appointments during the hottest months of the year is fine, too. Make the most out of summer by ensuring the safety of your cargo trailer before more difficult and dangerous winter weather sets in.

5 Common Summer Trailer Repairs

Don't get caught with a costly repair on your hands because you forgot to complete your summer maintenance checklist! Go over the following list and feel free to add more of your own items as they pertain to your trailer. 1. TiresLike many people, you likely drive a lot during the summer. This means that you should check your tires to make sure they're fully inflated and have no leaks. Check them with an air pressure gauge before you head out on the road and replace old models if necessary.2. Doors and WindowsRegardless of the type of cargo your trailer is transporting, it's important to keep it dry. Make sure all doors, windows, and openings are properly sealed. If your trailer is especially old, you may need to replace hinges, gaskets, or handles to ensure that you can fully open and close the doors.3. BrakesIt's a good idea to check the brakes on any vehicle before you use it. Trailer brakes, like any other vehicle's brakes, aren't immune to wear and tear, and they need to be replaced at least once a year for safety reasons. Signs of brake problems may include unusual noises coming from your trailer in addition to strange sensations as you're stopping.4. FloorsWood is porous and rainwater can easily soak through it. If your trailer has a plywood floor, a dry day in the summer is a great time to re-coat the underside of it. The undercoating, or the application of waterproof sealant that's applied to the underside of the floor, is what protects your floor from water damage, rot, and mould issues.5. RoofYour roof bears the brunt of the season's weather. Hot days and rainstorms can wreak havoc on a roof that has not been properly sealed. Invest in a high-quality roof sealant to keep your cargo safe in whatever kind of weather you encounter this summer.

Contact Us To Schedule Your Trailer Service and Repair Appointment

It's important to address small maintenance problems before they become bigger ones. Create a checklist for each season to stay on top of your vehicle's needs.At McFarlane Trailer Sales, we offer a wide variety of custom-built, new, and used trailers as well as replacement parts and high-quality, reliable service appointments. Get in touch with us to learn more and schedule your trailer's summer service today!