Helpful Ways to Winterize a Cargo Trailer
November 15, 2022 by Kyle McFarlaneHow To Winterize Your Cargo Trailer
Once you have purchased aluminum trailers for sale, you want to protect your investment. Winter can be hard on trailers, so what do you need to do to keep cold temperatures and precipitation from damaging your trailer? What you do to winterize your trailer depends on whether you intend to put it in storage during the winter months or keep using it for hauling all through the season.
Winterizing a Trailer That You Intend To Put Into Storage
Your trailer isn’t as susceptible to winter damage when it is in storage as it is if you intend to continue using it throughout the year. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to make sure that it is ready when you take it out again in the spring.
Do you know where you are going to store your trailer? Ideally, it should be somewhere inside, such as a storage shed or a garage. If you aren’t able to store your trailer indoors, you can protect it from falling leaves, branches, snow, ice, sun, and wind by parking it under a roofed area, such as a carport, and covering it with a tarp.
Remove any personal items as well as any supplies that could go bad and anything that could freeze or leak. For example, removing the battery and storing it in a separate place where it is exposed to consistent temperatures and can be charged as needed can keep it in good shape so that you don’t have to buy a new one when winter is over.
Wheel bearings, suspensions, and springs are areas of your trailer that could be susceptible to corrosion. You can prevent this by adding lubricant to these areas before putting the trailer in storage. You should perform a general maintenance check of your trailer to identify any areas of concern. Before putting your trailer in storage, you should have these issues looked at, prioritizing those that could get worse during months of inactivity.
Winterizing a Trailer That You Intend To Keep Using
If you intend to continue using your trailer for hauling throughout the winter, then winterizing it means protecting it from weather conditions as well as making sure that it is safe for you to use.
Ideally, you should perform maintenance on your trailer throughout the year. Nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to perform an extra maintenance check right before winter, focusing particularly on the tires, lights, and hitch connections. If you haven’t been performing regular maintenance on your trailer, you should perform a check to identify any problems that could compromise your safety before winter sets in. To prevent breakdowns, you should perform a maintenance check of your towing vehicle at approximately the same time. You are unlikely to get very far if your trailer is in exemplary condition but your towing vehicle is not.
You also need to give some consideration to the cargo you intend to haul during the winter. If it is sensitive to the cold, you may need to have a heater installed in your trailer to maintain a consistent temperature for hauling. A trailer heater can also help keep you warm and comfortable if you spend time working in your trailer, but if a heater is not possible, you can at least insulate it with silver board, blue board, rugs, or curtains to make heat transfer more difficult.
In addition to preparing your trailer for winter, there are also things that you need to do to keep safe on the road:
- Check the weather forecast prior to departure
- Carry an emergency winter kit with extra blankets, food, and water
- Budget extra time during inclement weather
- Maintain safe stopping distances between you and other vehicles
- Wear your seatbelt when driving
Find Aluminum Trailers For Sale From McFarlane
The type of trailer you need depends on what you intend to use it for. However, we have a number of different trailer types available, and one is sure to suit your needs. Learn more about the different product lines available from McFarlane Trailer Sales.