5 Things to Consider When Purchasing an Enclosed Trailer

  5 Things to Consider When Purchasing an Enclosed Trailer Trying to select among several high-quality enclosed utility trailers is a complex process and one that requires ample thought and planning. Think about the material of the trailer itself, what type of roof you need, access to your trailer door, whether you need a new driver's license, and how thick you need the outer skin of the covering to be.1. Should I buy a Steel or Aluminum Trailer?Steel trailers tend to be less expensive than aluminum trailers, though they do have more upkeep and maintenance costs. Steel trailers usually rust more easily. This risk increases with each scratch of the paint. Steel trailers are also heavier than aluminum, which reduces how much cargo you can carry.Aluminum trailers allow you to carry more weight and tend to resist rust and corrosion. They are more expensive upfront, however, and can crack and warp if too much weight is applied.2. Differences of a Flat or Rounded RoofA good measure of the type of trailer roof you need is the type of weather that you will most often experience. A rounded roof is much more conducive to a snowy climate since the snow will slide off the roof and not create additional weight or risk collapsing the roof. This will be less of a concern if your trailer is parked in a garage or underneath a carport during the winter. If you do not deal with very much snow, a flat roof will serve your purposes well.A round roof also adds 3" to 6" of additional headspace when working inside the trailer. Loading and unloading are much easier this way. Flat roofs are less expensive and generally have just enough headspace inside to move and maneuver large items. Cleaning and maintaining the top can be labour intensive, however.3. Which is Better For You? A Ramp or Barn Door?Are you driving equipment up into the trailer? Are you often using a wheelbarrow to load soils, bricks, or construction debris? If so, a ramp will save you time and energy. On the other hand, a ramp could be a nuisance if you need to frequently park in crowded lots at trade shows, fairs, markets, and festivals. Laying down the ramp adds another six feet to your footprint. A barn door usually only adds half of that amount or less.4. Would I Need to Upgrade My Driver's License?It depends on how much weight you are hauling, and the maximum gross vehicle weight rating. Different provinces and jurisdictions have different rules, but if your weight rating is over 4,500 kg you may need to qualify for a new license. Check with your local licensing office to confirm what endorsements you need.5. What Exterior Thickness and Colour Do I Need?The standard for manufacturing aluminum covers for enclosed utility trailers used to be 0.40 gauge or 0.50 gauge. Now it is closer to 0.24. The higher the number, the thicker the gauge. Many manufacturers have chosen to save money on gauge thickness while still supplying an adequate product. Thin aluminum siding is inexpensive, but it can produce a wavy appearance.Think about the colour of your trailer in combination with its thickness. A black, thin aluminum product will likely produce waves as it warps and stretches in the sun. Black absorbs more heat than other colours and shows more imperfections. All of this is cosmetic, however. Aluminum siding will likely not warp or stretch enough to cause structural problems.

Buy Enclosed Utility Trailers from McFarlane

Our trailers are ideal for transporting snowmobiles, ATVs, and small heavy equipment. Warranties we offer range from 1 to 5 years. Reach out to us via our website or give us a call during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.

Which Trailer Should You Buy? Steel Or Aluminum?

Steel Or Aluminum? TrailerThere are two materials that trailers are commonly made from steel and aluminum. While wood, plastic and other metals may be used for specific features, these two metals are the main options for the frame and overall construction of your trailer. So, which one is better? Which type of trailer should you buy? Steel or aluminum?

Reasons To Choose a Steel Trailer

Steel has traditionally been the go-to material choice for trailer construction. It is a tough metal that can handle the heavy loads that users may plan on loading into their trailers. These are a few of the reasons to choose a steel trailer:
  • More Rugged: Steel is less elastic than aluminum. Typically, steel trailers offer much greater rigidity and durability than their aluminum counterparts. Thus, if you expect to beat up your trailer with your cargo, it may be a good idea to opt for steel.
  • Less Expensive: In most cases, equivalent steel trailers will cost less than their aluminum counterparts. If you want to reduce the initial cost to get started with your trailer, a steel trailer may be the best option.
  • Better Load Capacity by Area: For a similarly sized deck area, steel trailers can usually handle heavier loads. Thus, you may be more inclined to buy a steel trailer if you expect to be loading very dense cargo.

Reasons To Choose an Aluminum Trailer

Aluminum is another excellent choice for your trailer. It is known for being very strong while also being very light. This favourable ratio has helped to make it a popular choice among trailer users. These are some of the benefits of aluminum trailers:
  • Lighter: Aluminum trailers can handle greater loads per pound of material. This is significant because towing vehicles have maximum loads that they can handle. If your trailer is heavy, your payload needs to be lighter to ensure that the overall weight is still within your limit.
  • Rust- and Corrosion-Resistant: Aluminum is naturally resistant to rust and corrosion. You can use an aluminum trailer all year with minimal worry about whether it will start to get rusty.
  • Less Maintenance: Typically, aluminum trailers require substantially less maintenance. Although they are more expensive at first, the overall cost of ownership is comparable to that of steel trailers due to the reduced maintenance needs.

Which Is Better?

So, which material is the better option? The reality is that there is not one single answer for this. You will need to consider the towing vehicle, your budget, your use case and more to determine which is right for you. If you live in an area with long, cold winters, aluminum may be the better choice. If you primarily haul heavy loads in the summer, steel may be the better choice. What matters is finding the right trailer type for you.

Either Way, Buy Your Trailer at McFarlane Trailer Sales

Whether you are considering steel or aluminum trailers for sale, check out the selection at McFarlane Trailer Sales. While there may not be an overall winner between steel and aluminum, that doesn’t mean that both work equally well in every situation. Your unique needs will dictate which is the right choice. When you work with the McFarlane Trailer Sales team, we will guide you to a trailer that works for your needs and your budget. Your lasting satisfaction is our goal.

Find the Right Trailer for You Today

Find the ideal trailer for your towing needs today. McFarlane Trailer Sales has a large selection of new and used trailers. We have something for every budget and use case. Check out our selection of steel and aluminum trailers for sale. Then, contact our team to discuss your trailer requirements.