Archives for April 2022

Important Things To Consider Before Buying a Used Utility Trailer

When looking at used trailers for sale, you should thoroughly inspect any potential purchase. While buying used can save money, there's the risk of worn or damaged parts. If you don't get them replaced or repaired, you compromise your safety and that of fellow motorists. A trailer can be dangerous if it becomes unhitched or interferes with your driving, and you don't want to risk harm to you and your passengers.How can you verify the trailer you're looking at is in good condition? The answer is to follow this checklist.

Look at the Suspension

The suspension ensures your trailer performs on the road. If there's something wrong, you'll have trouble steering it. Additionally, a poorly maintained suspension can lead to other issues, such as the alignment being off. Even if you're not in immediate danger, a damaged suspension means a rough ride, which can affect your cargo.To ensure the suspension is in good shape, look for the following:
  • Cracks in the frame
  • Breaks in the spring hangers and leaf springs
  • Damage to electricals

Inspect the Brakes

Trailers need their own brakes to ensure they don't collide with your vehicle when you come to a stop. Since brakes work by friction, they wear down over time and need regular replacement. Make sure you inspect each part of the braking system:
  • Magnets
  • Pads
  • Rotors
  • Drums
  • Shoes
You should also check the brake fluid, which is essential for a quick stop. Check the reservoir to ensure it's filled to the maximum line and examine the fluid to determine if it needs changing. Brake fluid should be clear. If it's brown, it's old or dirty and needs replacing.

Check the Hitch

The hitch connecting the trailer to your truck needs to be in peak condition, or you risk losing both your vehicles. A hitch in poor condition can break under pressure, sending your trailer out of control. Even in the best-cause scenarios, you may lose or damage your cargo.When you check the hitch, you should be able to latch and unlatch it easily. Rust and broken pieces can interfere with this function. If a hitch sticks when you latch or unlatch it, check if it needs oiling or if there's a deeper issue.

Study the Bearings

Bearings are essential to smooth wheel rotation. Broken or worn bearings can suddenly give while you're driving, causing the wheel to stop spinning and wrenching the vehicle out of your control. To ensure the bearings on a trailer are up to par, check the following:
  • No vertical motion
  • No horizontal motion
  • Proper seating
  • Thorough lubrication

Consider the Trailer Floor

The trailer floor needs to support your cargo, so it can't be damaged or rusted. If it fails while you're driving, it can affect the chassis. A damaged chassis can cause problems throughout the trailer, requiring expensive repairs.

Examine the Tires

Tires may be one of the easiest things to replace on a trailer, though high-quality ones are bound to be expensive. Check the tread on the tires, as worn tread is incredibly dangerous. Tread creates friction between the rubber and asphalt, giving you control over a vehicle. If tires are worn to less than two-thirty seconds of an inch, you're in danger of hydroplaning in wet weather and slow braking in any element.Additionally, tires need to have adequate air pressure. Low air pressure makes tires vulnerable to blowouts and decreases road friction.Are you in the market for a used trailer? If so, look no further than McFarlane Trailer Sales. We have a wide selection of high-quality trailers for all your hauling needs. For more information, give us a call. Go online to see our trailers for sale.

Selecting the Right Pace Enclosed Utility Trailer for Your Business

Selecting the Right Pace Enclosed Utility Trailer for Your BusinessEnclosed utility trailers are a staple for many businesses, and finding a reliable model can significantly impact the bottom line. For example, if your trailer breaks down on the way to a job, you may lose the contract and suffer harm to your reputation. Settling for a trailer that doesn't meet your needs is another issue, as you'll have to deal with inconvenience that affects the quality of your work.What can you do to ensure you find the right utility trailer? The first step is to learn as much as possible.

What Are the Uses of Enclosed Utility Trailers?

Enclosed trailers offer protection from the elements, which can be extremely valuable to businesses that haul equipment or products from site to site. Since the trailer unhitches, you can leave the entire thing behind as makeshift storage. Enclosed trailers lock, ensuring that your tools are safe no matter where they sit.Landscapers are especially fond of enclosed utility trailers since they come in various sizes, making it easy to store large machines such as lawnmowers. Additionally, a single truck can haul a trailer, which means you don't have to worry about securing a specialized vehicle.You may also consider enclosed trailers if you're moving your business to a new location. In addition to holding equipment, enclosed utility trailers can haul furniture and appliances.What if you're in-between offices or need to set up a temporary space? You can utilize an enclosed utility trailer. This option is especially appealing if you expect to move around a lot, as you can arrive and set up shop in no time.

What Should You Look for When Choosing an Enclosed Utility Trailer?

There is a wide range of models on the market, so finding the right enclosed utility trailer takes some research. The good news is that since there are so many options, you're sure to find a model that checks all the boxes.Your first step should be deciding what you need out of your trailer. The purpose informs the structure and features, so ask the following questions:
  • Will you store tools in it? If so, what kind?
  • Will you need to work inside it?
  • How often will you be moving?
Now that you know what you'll be hauling, it's time to look at the dimensions. You need a trailer that can comfortably and safely fit all your items. You'll also need to check out the limits on job sites to ensure your trailer will fit on the grounds.If you plan to work inside it, you need to account for meetings with clients or employees. You may opt for a domed roof in this case to provide more headroom.Once you've figured out the dimensions, it's time to look into materials. Most trailers are made of either aluminum or steel, both of which are fairly durable. However, aluminum is lighter and therefore offers better fuel economy. On the other hand, steel is less expensive, though you have to worry about rust.

What Makes Pace Trailers Stand Out?

Pace makes hardy trailers used by a variety of companies. It offers a wide selection of models, many of which are designed for a particular purpose:
  • Hauling snowmobiles
  • Storing landscaping vehicles
  • Converting into a mobile office
No matter which you choose, your trailer can stand against the elements, as all Pace offerings are made with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Additionally, Pace invests in the latest manufacturing technology, ensuring every trailer has a cutting-edge design.Companies in the market for top-tier enclosed utility trailers should start their search at McFarlane Trailer Sales. To learn more, give us a call. To peruse our selection, visit us online.

3 Common Uses For a Dump Trailer

3 Common Uses For a Dump TrailerMost people buy dump trailers to assist with work around a construction site, farm, or other rural activities. Whether you purchase a trailer for personal or professional use, you can get more out of using the tool year-round.  People often undervalue trailer purchases. For instance, many people will buy a dump trailer and assume it is only suitable for transporting dirt or waste materials from the site to the trash. However, there are many uses for trailers, and many of these uses can equate to more money in your pocket, allowing you to pay off the expense of the dump trailer quicker than expected. Are you ready to start making money with your trailer or find more uses for it? If so, consider the following three ways to get more use out of your dump trailer. 1. Junk RemovalDump trailers are excellent tools for collecting, removing, and transporting materials — it is what they are designed to do. Because of the unique design of these trailers, you can make a lucrative business out of junk collecting. Every state has countless people who can benefit from access to a dump trailer, especially hoarders. Even if an individual does not meet the clinical expectations of a hoarder, they may want to clear out their house, garage, attic, or other property or structure. Unfortunately, cleaning things out requires access to dumpsters or other waste removal containers.  While a dumpster is an okay option for junk removal, a dump trailer is better suited to individual cleanouts. The low sides allow for risk-free disposal, meaning less chance of injury. Additionally, you can leave your trailer with a homeowner and have them call when it is ready to be hauled away. 2. Snow RemovalWhen considering alternative jobs for your dump trailer, you might not immediately think of snow removal, but it is another lucrative option. Most people write off snow removal because they believe most HOAs and cities have snowplow services to handle clearing the roadways. However, snowplows are excellent pushers, not removers. A snowplow clears the main path of a roadway by diverting the snow to either side of it. Unfortunately, that still means that most of the snow is at the curbs. Sometimes, cities will experience heavy snowfalls, making it difficult for plows to find enough of a clearing for the snow on the street. In such situations, the cities will need to call in a snow removal service. You can be that snow removal service. Your trailer provides enough space and strength to transport loads of snow to other areas where it will not interfere with city operations. 3. LandscapingFrom snow to junk hauling, dump trailers are versatile and potentially lucrative tools. Another way you can use your trailer in the spring through the fall is to piggyback on other small businesses, such as landscaping services.  Some small landscaping operations will not have access to a dump trailer. Trailers are beneficial to landscapers because they provide an option for transporting soil, rock, plants, mulch, etc. Even larger operations might outsource some transportation work to smaller dump trailer services for local work. If you have been putting off purchasing a dump trailer because you felt it was too limited and you wouldn't get enough use out of it, think again. Dump trailers are among the most versatile trailers on the market. If you are interested in perusing a few different trailer models, check out McFarlane Trailer Sales. The company has a variety of dump trailer brands and models, including brands like K-trail and Canada Trailers to suit any buyer's needs. Contact a representative and let them help you purchase the key to your future success: a dump trailer.